

4065 Uppsatser om Livia empress murderer or wrongfully accused emperor Tiberius Augustus rome roman antiquity historical turning point - Sida 1 av 271

Livia - mördare eller syndabock? : En utvärdering av de antika källorna kring kejsarinnan Livia och vad som talar för att hon mördade Augustus och dennes adoptivsöner för att göra sin egen son Tiberius till kejsare

Empress Livia ? Murderer or wrongfully accused?An overview of the ancient sources on the empress Livia and what that suggests that shemurdered her husband Emperor Augustus and his adoptive children to make way for herown son Tiberius as the emperor of Rome.This work will analyze the ancient roman sources by the great historians from that time;Tacitus, Suetonius and Cassius Dio, and their works discussing the murder conspiracy of theempress of Rome; Livia.Here I examine what these ancient sources tell about the possible involvement of Livia, on thedeath of Augustus himself and his adoptive sons. Each author to these ancient sources will beexamined and contextualized according to their contemporary time, but also their political andideological views of women in high position and Ceasarism itself. Their characteristics andstyles of their written account will also be examined.The following issues will be dealt with in this work:? What does the ancient sources of; Tacitus, Suetonius and Cassius Dio say about theconspiracy theory in which empress Livia is central.? What is known about the authors of these ancient sources and to what extant mighttheir political and ideological view affect their written account?? Can the allegations directed at Livia be the result of the fact that she was a highlyinfluential woman at her time, something which the ancient authors by romanstandards saw as unfit for a woman, and therefore is mistreated in the written sources?? If so, were all women with power under the same time and circumstances criticized inthe same way in which Livia is portrayed?? Are there any other aspects that have not been treated equally in the past by authorsand researchers, in which new questionable guidelines can be made?As is very important to point out, this work and essentially all others alike will not evenassume to solve the final question if empress Livias was guilty or not of murdering herhusband, Emperor Augustus and/or his adoptive sons.

Med kejsaren som referens : En studie om kejsarkultens påverkan på den skandinaviska aristokratins uppkomst och utveckling

During the three first centuries A.D the cult to roman emperor was practiced over the absolute majority of the known world. It was based on the idea of the deified ruler, where religion was used as a way of legitimizing a social position of an absolute few. It arrived from below but was promoted and spread from above as a way of governmental control. During the same period of time did a new aristocratic social group emerge in remote Scandinavia that eagerly sought new ways to identify themselves and their newly found social standing. With a base consisting of an economic surplus they wanted to create an acceptance for their new way of life and thus in doing so change the very foundation and core beliefs of their own society.The central theme of this study is the cultural exchange that took place between these two cultural spheres and mainly of the effect that the cult to the roman emperor had on the emergence and identification process of the Scandinavian aristocracy..

Den kriminelle missbrukaren : en kvalitativ studie om den kriminelle missbrukarens liv, från uppväxt och ett liv som aktiv till vändpunkten och livet efter

The purpose of this essay is to contribute to an extensive understanding of former criminals and addicts. These people are facing several difficulties and possibilities during childhood, adolescence, the active period, the turning-point and life after the turning-point and we have examined what they might consist of.In this survey we have applied a qualitative method and collected our basis from interviews with former criminals and addicts. Criminality and addiction is a complex problem. There are many different factors which contribute to develop this. The most differential factors are; insecure childhood, low self-esteem and wrong kind of friends.

Att vända kriminaliteten ryggen : En kvalitativ studie om turning points

Denna uppsats är skriven på avancerad nivå inom socialt arbete. Dess syfte är att belysa turning points från kriminalitet och utgår från intervjuer med personer som tidigare haft en kriminell karriär. Intervjuerna har varit semistrukturerade och berört orsaken till turning points och motivationskällor till upprätthållandet av beslutet. Analysen har genomförts med hjälp av symbolisk interaktionism och teorier om stämpling, stigma och strain. Resultatet visar nätverkets betydelse för processen kring en turning point samt vikten av individens egna vilja till förändring.

Konflikt och konsensus : En studie av den keltiska religionens förändring under den romerska kolonisationen

In this essay I investigate how the Roman colonization (around 50 BC to 400 AD) affected the Celtic religion. I inquire which operators that were behind these changes and under what circumstances they happened. I take a closer look on three places in Gaul and one place and one area in Britain. In my study of these places I see that it was the elite of the Celtic societies who together and under pressure from Rome made these changes. The religion and gods did not change; instead the ritual ceremonies changed to fit into something that Rome thought was right.

Biblioteket i Alexandria historien om ett bibliotek

he purpose of this master thesis is to learn more about the ancient Alexandrian Library. The method used in this thesis is methodology of history, especially a critical attitude when it comes to evaluating the ancient texts. I put forward three questions to which I desire to find answers. First: What do the sources from Antiquity tell about the Alexandrian library? Second: How do modern writers of books on the subject use these sources? Thirdly: I look into the possible historical and cultural reasons that the first of the Ptolemaic kings could have had for establishing the Mouseion and the Library of Alexandria.

Vattnets väg genom ett romerskt bad. - tekniken bakom marmorn.

This essay focuses on the technical systems and functions behind how a Roman bath operated. I will present a general view by going through each part of the waters path through the bath one by one. Since there is no such thing as a standardised Roman bath I will, under each headline, present the sub subject with a presentation of the workings and then exemplifying through archaeological findings and ancient literary sources.This essay is therefore meant to present a thorough and clear presentation of the technical aspects of a roman bath. The aim is to give the reader an understanding of how a bathhouse worked in general and why. To this I want to present problems that the Romans were faced with and how they solved them..

Jag valde livet! : En studie av alkoholisters olika vägar ut ur alkoholmissbruk

The purpose of this essay was to find out what alcoholics themselves mean were the way out of their drinking abuse.The questions at stake are:· What kind of context did the interviewed live in before and after the turning point?· How did the process of getting out of the alcohol abuse look like?· What different factors may have influenced the turning point, the maintenance and the interviewee's choice to stop the abuse of alcohol?· Where there any other important occurrences that may have had an impact on their decision to stop drinking?For the investigation we have interviewed three women and five men. They all have had sever problems with alcohol, but all of them also have found a way out of the abuse.Our research shows that the way out of alcohol abuse is very complex and individual. The turning point is rather a process than a single occurrence. Our research also shows that the interaction between the alcohol and important individuals in their immediate surroundings are the absolute most important factor to stop using alcohol in a destructive way but also important when it comes to maintaining soberness..

Vändpunkten Kristianstad : en stödgruppsverksamhet

The aim of this study has been to investigate children and adolescent development in ?The turning point? children´s and adolescent program in Kristianstad. We also wanted to find out the support group leaders experiences concerning the children´s and the adolescents development in programs and how they apprehended their role as a support group leader. Our intension was also to study how the adolescent and the children considered their own development in the program. To carry through this study, we used two types of qualitative methods i.e.

En utredning av Rom I-förordningens artikel 4.1(h)

Article 4.1(h) in the Rome I regulation establishes which law that will be applicable on contracts concerning financial instruments concluded in multilateral systems. The main problem is that most contracts concluded within these systems have standard clauses which contain a clause on the applicable law. If this is the case, Article 3.1 in the Rome I Regulation is applicable instead. This problem makes it difficult to find a need for article 4.1(h) if it will only be applicable in exceptional cases. However, the legal position on this matter is still unclear since the Rome I Regulation has just been put into force.

Elevers litterära föreställningsvärldar

Article 4.1(h) in the Rome I regulation establishes which law that will be applicable on contracts concerning financial instruments concluded in multilateral systems. The main problem is that most contracts concluded within these systems have standard clauses which contain a clause on the applicable law. If this is the case, Article 3.1 in the Rome I Regulation is applicable instead. This problem makes it difficult to find a need for article 4.1(h) if it will only be applicable in exceptional cases. However, the legal position on this matter is still unclear since the Rome I Regulation has just been put into force.

Könsförvirring : En narrativ studie av normbrytande genus i barndomen

This essay deals with non-normative gender expressions during childhood. I?m using narrative theory and methods to analyze autobiographical narratives. My questions are:What strategies does the non-normative person use to deal with his otherness?Using the methodological analysis tool ?turning point?, where are the turning points in the narratives? Are their any common turning points in the various narratives?Where is the responsibility placed in the narratives for that someone does not fit in by the adults/ staff at the school/kindergarten- on the non-normative person or at the surroundings?The experiences are interpreted through theories and concepts from queer theory and gender theory.

"Sveriges mest hatade man" : En kvantitativ studie om hur en missta?nkt mo?rdare framsta?lls i Expressen och Falu Kuriren.

The meaning of this study is to see how a suspected murderer is presented in the Swedish newspapers Expressen and Falu Kuriren. We want to see how two Swedish newspapers, a local- and an evening paper, presented Anders Eklund, who killed the ten year old girl Engla Ho?glund in 2008, from the day after her disappearing and almost a month ahead.When we analysis the resolution to the study we could see that both papers presented Anders Eklund like a convicted murderer after he admitted the murder of Engla Ho?glund, even if the court had not sentenced him yet. Even when Anders Eklund was anonymous, you can through the various denominations witch were produced in the papers speculate on who the murderer is.Even that it is a case study, we can see with the previous research tends that a suspected murderer is produced in this way in Swedish newspapers. We could also see that the evening paper where more likely to present sensation and drama to the texts than the local paper did. .

Den gamla och nya aristokratin. Consules ordinarii 30 f.Kr - 138 e.Kr.

Denna uppsats utgår från en lista av ordinarie konsuler mellan 30 f.Kr. och 138 e.Kr., och undersöker hur många av dessa som var nobiles, homines novi eller ättlingar till senatorer utan konsulära förfäder. Antalet konsuler tillhörande dessa olika grupper illustreras genom ett antal diagram som visar hur nobiles dominerade konsulsämbetet under Augustus och Tiberius men sedan tappade mark under Claudius och de senare kejsarna till förmån för den växande gruppen senatorsättlingar utan republikanska konsulära förfäder. Uppsatsen tar dessutom upp de ordinarie konsulernas cognomina och visar hur antalet cognomina hos majoriteten av de ordinarie konsulerna ökade från ett cognomen till två under den undersökta tidsperioden, men också att detta inte hade något klart samband med de icke-adliga senatorernas ökande dominans över konsulsämbetet..

Romkonferensens syn på terrorism

AbstractIn 1998 the United Nations held a diplomatic conference on the establishment of an International Criminal Court in Rome. In the end of the conference the negotiating states adopted the Rome Statute by which an international criminal court was established. The court, which entered into force on 1 July 2002, has jurisdiction over the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The court also has jurisdiction over the crimes of aggression but the court will only be able to exercise its jurisdiction of this crime category when the member states of the court have found a definition of the crime.In the draft statute, which was prepared before the conference, acts of terrorism were a proposed crime. With the starting-point in the Rome conference this essay studies how the working-definition of crimes of terrorism was elaborated in the draft statute and how the state delegations viewed the crime.

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